Flub Fixers
You’re rushed, you’ve just finished applying your makeup and you have one foot literally out the door when that last glance in the mirror reveals a black smudge right on your cheek…
TIP: whatever you do, don’t try to rub it. Dip a Q-tip in a little liquid foundation and carefully sweep that smudge clean.
Overdid the blush thing so you look less apple-cheeked and more tomato-rubbed?
TIP: If the culprit is a dry blush, take the color down by applying translucent powder with a powder puff . If we’re talking cream blush, delicately apply a little foundation on top of the disaster area with the help of a moist sponge. No rubbing allowed in either case.
Did it just dawn on you that your smoky eye looks more raccoon (in other words, way too strong…) than you’d really like?
TIP: Dip a Q-tip in loose translucent powder and carefully go over the areas you would like to tone down.
Oops! Did you overdo the lip contour on your lower lip?
TIP: First, use however many clean Q-tips it takes to “sweep” up the the excess lipstick. Then dip a new Q-tip in concealer and erase whatever is left of the color in the area you want to clean up. Powder, and then reapply your lip color in the right place.