Black Box Project – 21st century tarot
Occasionally I get a great a job that I can sink my creative teeth into. This was the case with the Black Box Project for the luxury paper goods company Iggesund that I was involved with a few months ago.
Guest creative director Marc Benhamou imagined a game of tarot cards of which the twenty one major Arcana cards would be interpreted through beauty. Enter photographer Philippe Salomon, stylist Christine de Lassus, hair stylist Wendy Isles, model Mallory June and myself.

The quality of the large prints is nothing short of amazing.
It took five days, one girl, a few still lives and a lot of beauty shots to represent the symbolic cards. Our quest and daily challenge was to find a solution to illustrate in photographs difficult themes like Death, the Lovers, Temperance without falling into a world of gimmicks and tackiness.

Almost no retouching went into the final images - very rare these days.
The result of this collaboration is on exhibit at the Milk Galleries, 450 15th Street here in NY until Thursday May 19th. You should definitely swing by if you can. For me, it’s a thrill to see my work as huge, luscious 4×6 ft prints. I love my job!
Tags: advertising, Black Box Project, special projects, tarot cards
Great job Brigitte! The images are amazing. I totally recommend anyone who loves beauty and fashion to attend. I was inspired.
Yayyyy! Thank you, Quinn!
Wow! These are so amazing! I hope I can make it to see the exhibit!
Wow Brigitte what an amazing project to be a part of. How inspiring I wish I was in New York to see it. Hope to see you soon.
WOW …. amazing !!!!!!!
yes Michelle, try as hard as you can to get there. It’s open today until 5pm. It’s pure eye candy.
Thank you! That was a blast!
Yes Michelle, try hard to get there. It’s open until 5pm today. Pure eye candy!
Talk about Fashion for the Face! Love!
Bonjour Brigitte,
I love your blog!
Again thank you so much for your great talent and help on this project.
Merci Marc! That was one of the most exciting shoots I have done.
I love these photos they look amazing!!
I’m an english photography student and I’ve been tasked with writing about an exhibition/set of photos I like and this definitely qualifies! I wondered if you have any information from the exhibition that I can use to help me when I write about it?
Thanks 🙂
Hi Dani,
So glad you like the pictures! What exact info can I give about the exhibit? Shoot me a few precise questions and I’ll do my best to answer.
I distinctly remember answering you but I don’t see it here. Tell me I did?